Coop Confident

You know if we had a tape measurer and level that actually worked this project would be so much simpler. I’m sure ours are the only ones in the whole world that have been calibrated to cause us to have to replan, remeasure and recut so many times.

One of the best choices we have made was to wait on getting our chickens until the coop is complete. However, we do have 6 guineas living in the garage. I would love to use the coop as their transitional housing as they work their way towards becoming free range tick killers!

As we pull together the disparate pieces of the coop I am gradually tending towards optimism. Are parts of it crooked and completely off level? Yes, yes indeed they are. Overall, I am starting to believe it will serve our purpose quite well. It has also served as a confidence builder. Because at each step, as we improve and gain knowledge—we believe—we can Do Anything Ourselves!

If we can do it, so can you! Do you have a project you have been putting off? Is there something around the house you have been longing to tackle on your own? Get out there and DIY!

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5 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by Virginia Pierson on July 19, 2010 at 10:55 pm

    LOVE it!


  2. Posted by Stacey on July 20, 2010 at 6:16 am

    Looks great. It so true. Even if we are mere humans, we can learn to do anything ourselves. Hope the guineas get to use it soon.


  3. Posted by Ren on July 24, 2010 at 12:57 pm

    Chickens eat poop, they won’t care if it is crooked.


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